With PIB World Mastercard you can now buy goods and services and make online purchases while paying in installments for up to 60 months or making cash payments in accordance with Islamic Sharia principles.

  • Approved by the Sharia Supervisory Board.
  • First of its kind locally to allow buying goods and services with the possibility of paying in installments or in cash in accordance with Islamic Sharia principles.
  • Works at all local and international points of sale.
  • Offers the possibility to make online purchases.
  • Offers the possibility to make cash withdrawals up to USD 200/month using PIB or other banks ATMs.
  • Offers a credit limit of up to USD 20,000
  • Uses the 3D secure system that sends an SMS with a verification code to your phone for every online transaction.
  • Equipped with the contactless payment feature whereby payment is possible without using a PIN code.
  • Offers the possibility of issuing a monthly statement of transactions.
  • Sends notification SMS for any withdrawal or purchase transaction to your registered phone number.

The card gives you access to privileges and discounts provided by Mastercard worldwide such as:

  • Unlimited free access to more than 1,000 airport lounges around the world with special benefits and other free services, For more info Click Here
  • Special offers and discounts on tourism and entertainment facilities and restaurants in more than 40 countries. For more info Click Here
  • Discounts on airline tickets and luxury hotel accommodation.For more info Click Here
  • Discounts of up to 25% on car rentals abroad.For more info Click Here
  • Exclusive offers at 9 shopping villages in Europe.For more info Click Here
  • Discounts on learning sessions from leading international training platforms.


The adaptation of the card to be Sharia compliant is based on the Islamic Murabaha structure for the purchase of goods and merchandise and the Ijarah structure for the leasing of services that both rely on offer, acceptance and agency whereby the customer is an agent of the bank to exchange offer and acceptance in the purchase process on behalf of the bank.

for additional details about Sharia compliance, Click here

  • When you execute a purchase using the card, you will receive a text message containing the details of the transaction and a contact number to view payment options.
  • Upon contacting the number provided in the text message, you will see the available payment options, which are as follows:
  1. 60 months installments
  2. 48 months installments
  3. 36 months installments
  4. 24 months installments
  5. 12 months installments
  6. 6 months installments
  7. Cash payment with no installments.
  • knowing that the minimum amount eligible for payment through installments is 30 USD.
  • If you choose to pay the transaction in installments, you will receive a message with the value of your monthly installment.
  • If you do not reply to the message within 24 hours, the transaction will be paid in installments over 60 months.
  • If you choose the cash payment option, the amount due will be paid at the end of the monthly cycle.


  • The customer’s salary must be transferred to the account and in case the customer’s salary is not transferred, a sponsor with a transferred salary must be secured.
  • Your total monthly obligations shall not exceed the percentage approved within the bank’s credit granting policy.
  • The customer must sign a promissory note equal to the card limit.
  • For customers benefiting from the bank’s financing products, the card shall be issued based on existing collateral.
  • In case the customer does not have a transferred salary or is not financed by the bank, the card shall be secured by a cash collateral or an investment deposit.
